Daniel Lusher

GIS Analyst

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Senior GIS Programmer/Analyst at Quartic Solutions, LLC

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Online Maps

San Diego River Watershed

San Diego River Watershed
As part of a class project, I worked as part of team to create a web map for the San Diego River Watershed. The website includes a tutorial for using the map service and a page to download the data. My responsibilities focused on preparing the data in ArcGIS and a portion of the work using JavaScript for the web map itself. The code for the map service is based on the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

The other members of my group were Phil Elder and Cynthia Paloma. Cynthia has previous HTML, CSS and JavaScript experience, and took the lead in the original map framework. The map later became the core of Phil's Master's thesis, and as such, he dedicated much more time after the project to expand the amount of data in the map and polish the rest of the website.

Hiking Trails in San Diego

hiking picture

Since as long as I can remember, I've enjoyed hiking outside. I hiked several places growing up, both in the Boy Scouts and with my family. After moving to Blacksburg, VA, I hiked as many of the trails around the area as I could. Arriving in San Diego, I was determined to not let the activity fade away. Using Google Fusion Tables, I've recorded most of the hikes I've taken since moving to the West Coast, both alone and with friends.